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Commercial Property

We arrange loans for all types of commercial property including retail properties, offices, professional rooms, medical centres, motels, hotels, and commercial and industrial properties.

  • Loans are available for most purposes including :
  • Purchase of Owner occupied or Investment properties
  • Refinance of current loans
  • Consolidation of loans and additional funds
  • Purchase of land and construction of owner occupied or investment property

Properties can be located in capital cities, provincial cities and major rural centres.

Loans can be flexible and set up to suit you including interest only, principal and interest loans with fixed or variable rates over a variety of loan terms, generally up to 20 years.

We are accredited with the Major Banks, Regional Banks and other boutique financiers. Each lender having their own particular appetite for various types of security and loans.

Commercial loans generally  require detailed and complex information to be submitted to gain an approval. That’s where we step in and guide you through the process.  We deal with the lenders to get the best possible outcome that suits you.  If you are dissatisfied with your current financier and its all getting too hard, let us do the work for you.

We have been involved in Commercial lending for a long time and talk to the lenders on a regular basis . We know what types of loans they seek and the information required to complete the transaction.

To discuss a Commercial Property Loan please give us a call on 1300 559 974 or complete the online enquiry form.